RVM to the rescue!
My previous post showed how much of a mess my ruby and gem setup was. It might be a good idea to clean it up, but for now, I've found a temporary solution.
Create a new environment using RVM.
Here are the commands I used to install everything...this is more for reference because this isn't the first time I've done it.
# install ruby
rvm install 1.9.2
# create a gemset
rvm gemset create pyjamacoder
# set this environment as the default when a new terminal is opened
rvm use 1.9.2@pyjamacoder --default
# install gems I need for pyjamacoder
gem install jekyll
# reinstall liquid dependency at a lower version to deal with the bug i outlined in my post:
# https://pyjamacoder.com/2011/11/27/i-am-pyjama-coder
gem uninstall liquid
gem install liquid -v=2.2.2
gem install juicer
# I'm using rdiscount as my markdown interpreter so Jekyll complained about it not being there
gem install rdiscount
# no need to install yui_compressor and jslint as they were already installed but here it is
juicer install yui_compressor
juicer install jslint
Some useful tips for gem management:
- Use RVM, this makes everything much easier to manage.
- Never use sudo to install a gem
- To stop installing documentation with each gem without having to specify
--no-ri --no-rdoc
with each install, create a gemrc file
# ~/.gemrc
gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc